So since we started our friendship as being a team player… I think its good to know more about each other so we can appreciate and tolerate one another even more…
So when Leo wrote his last email listing all the info about the housewarming event, I thought… wow… he shows his obvious personality… :P
Then I remembered about the four temperaments (not the same as zodiacs or fortune teller) and try to fit each one of you…
I took the test long time ago and my test shows I have actually 3 strong temperaments (I have sanguine and not only melancholic-choleric and super low or almost none phlegmatic temperament)…
And people changes by time… this may not be valid now and not the past or future… cuz I changed from time to time… I was super sanguine in high school… then became more choleric during college… and now more melancholic (mellowed out :P)
Basically why I’m doing this entry? Not only GB, but also so you know why Odry bawel… Vincent serem… Andri pd-an… Leo rapih… etc… Jadi ngertiin satu ama laen… jadi ga ngambekan kalo ga nyambung… :P kalo diliat2 dilapangan juga semua ngeluarin characternya loh… jadi maklum2an dong… :P
This is what an amateur psychologist (me) thinks you are (name listed in alphabetical order):

phlegmatic-sanguine Danny
phlegmatic-melancholicAnd if you don’t agree with this… then this is where the discussion starts…. Haha… because I just guessed bluntly for most of them…
Btw, I know Microsoft did something similar with this but a little more geared towards their professions or work etiquette, kalo mau tau, ini linknya: ps: eh minta more access dong buat setting blog-nya :P